Oh yes. His appointment. In the 36 hours we had (at that time) been home from the hospital he went from 6.15 lbs (discharge weight) to 7.33 lbs. My doctor was impressed with the cream I am evidently producing for my boy. I'm not gonna lie, I was relieved so as to get everyone off my back (I knew he'd make up for it...I mean, look at Chris and me...we're not exactly what you'd call scrawny...). Anyway, so he is 25% in weight, 75% in height (laughable, but whatever) and 50% in head (and it's funny, hats that fit Ryan perfectly fall down and cover up his eyes. Hilarious.). On another note, evidently medical thought has changed since my last baby (I feel so out-of-date already...geesh) and breastfed babies are supposed to be given vitamins every day starting from day 1. Seriously? Yuck. Poli-vi-sol is about the sickest stuff I've ever smelled, tried to remove from laundry and, unfortunately, had the bad luck of accidently tasting. Poor guy. My ped suggested tri-vi-sol as a less smelly/better tasting option, but ewww. Again, poor guy.
So, there you have it. Evidently eating a whole pan of brownies, a nice handful of cookies, rice krispie s'mores and icecream are really good for putting weight on a baby. I'm doing it all for my boy...just sayin'.
And just because he is so stinkin' cute...
At home after his doctor's appointment. Clearly, all worn out.

Getting released from the hospital:

Sweet Anna-Kate giving her brother kisses (while in her ballet costume for her performance in May):