Monday, March 22, 2010


So, I've been asked before if I'd like to know when I'd die (this has nothing to do with coming C-section, just saying. Stick with me). The type-A control part of me says "YES!" as I'd leave my things in perfect order, see all of the people I need to see before being reunited in heaven, and such. But, then I think, no, it would make me (more?) pessimistic and then there is all of the logistical planning for parties I'd like to have, and all of the cleaning...

Here's where I'm going with this...a planned C-section is supposed to be a type-A's dream come true. "It's so simple", "you can plan everything in advance"....blah, blah, blah. See, the thing is, when you go in to labor, people drop everything to come to you, so the planning (read: HEADACHE) goes away and solves itself. As is, with my stressed out personality I am scurrying about filling time slots, madly cleaning and preparing, ticking items off the never-ending to do list with a LOOMING date ahead of me (4 days, if you are wondering).

What does this say about my personality? Who knows. Maybe nothing. Maybe I'm just tired (and, on that note, I'm going to bed.).

1 comment:

Holbie said...

Janelle - I love your thoughts! I'm totally Type A too, you should see the amount of research I do before booking a place for a trip. People didn't understand though why I didn't just schedule a repeat c-section for #2 when I'm such a big planner. Its your observation - when you go into labor, everyone comes to you and its okay to leave things as they are...but if you had a planned c-section, you are correct - you probably feel like you need to cook and clean up to the last minute!

Good luck on Friday, I'll be thinking about you. Can't wait to see pics!