Saturday, March 27, 2010



My last pregnant picture with Jack. This was taken right before I got 3 bags of IV, my epidural (which really hurts going in when you aren't in labor, fyi) and then the doctor doing my surgery (who I met that morning) informed me that he "doesn't do stitches only staples and would I like staples from him that day or for him to reschedule my c-section for next week with someone willing to stitch me up?" I understand that doctors go to school for many years and are experts in their fields. I also know that I am well-read on the subject and have experienced both and am entitled to my opinion and that I can't be forced to do something I am not comfortable with. (and in case you are wondering, I have stitches, not staples. I'm very happy with them too.).

He was born at 10:27 weighing 7.11 lbs. Truly, our blessing from the Lord.

When I finally held him for the first time...5:30pm. He had been shown to me for a quick photo-op and then taken from the OR for respiratory distress (what is it with my boys??) to the transition nursery. I kept hearing "one more hour" (which also was reminiscent of Ryan...). I sent Chris to get him at 2 and he came back empty handed to a near hysterical wife (it is so weird and wrong to have a baby and not even get to hold them. It's like you are empty with nothing to show for it, and have to hear everyone else's baby cry.). At 3 I called to try and use my persuasive powers on the nazi nurse, but she said I could have my doctor called to allow me out of bed to see him but it wasn't really worth my time since they had just given him formula. I about hit the roof and started crying, again, as I had specifically told them to let me pump and give him a bottle if they needed it. I just, again, felt like my opinion didn't matter. He had to get 2 good vital reads in a row (they were taken each hour) and part of that included breathing less than 70 times per minute. He was breathing 73 times per minute. UGH.

Let me just say, the reunion (or meeting?) was sweet.


Liz said...

Oh Janelle,
I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been. I'm so glad you are reunited now and it looks like everyone is doing well. Thanks for keeping us posted. He is adorable!

Tate Family said...

What a quick update! So glad to read that all is well, despite the rough start. I can so empathize...same thing happened to me w/Wesley. :( He is precious and perfect.

The Bartons said...

Yay for little Jack!! Thanks for posting this so quickly for those of us (me) who LOVE seeing you! :) Glad everything went semi/OK with no major complications. Hope you're gonna write a letter to that hospital though about your experience! I can't believe nazi nurse! I'd be so ticked!

Holbie said...

Congrats Janelle! Way to stand up against the staples! He is soooooo cute :)

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful, Jack, and I am amazed how quickly you updated your blog. AND you look absolutely FABULOUS in your post-birth pics. Amazing!! :) I'm sorry for all the hold-ups after Jack was born. How frustrating! Glad you are enjoying him now and hopefully healing well, too. Love to you all!


Jenn said...

He is so handsome!!! Congratulations! And you look ridiculously beautiful for just having had a baby! Jenn Ferguson